clTcl Dictionary

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[Special variable]

If not nil the commands of a script are send one by one to the interpreter. This eases localization of errors. Default nil.

[Special variable]

The default Tcl/Tk interpreter. Default value is /usr/bin/wish.

[Special variable]

A two-way-stream connected to a Tcl/Tk interpreter or NIL if no such interpreter is running. This stream is used by functions CALL, POST and RUN.

[Special variable]

An integer that determines which events are traced in clTcl's communication protocol between Lisp and Tcl/Tk. Setting a larger number gives trace messages. Level -1 (the default) is complete silence, level 0 is errors only, level 1 is errors and events, level 2 is errors, events and event details.

call command &rest args => result

Calls Tcl/Tk command COMMAND with arguments ARGS properly escaped. Arguments of type symbol are writting to a string and prefixed with a hyphen to support keyword for Tcl options. Other arguments are written to string if necessary and properly escaped. This function is typically used in a event that was invoked in a clTcl script run by EVENT-LOOP. Sends the command to *STREAM*.

close-tcl/tk-stream stream => result

Instructs the Tcl/Tk process associated with STREAM to exit and closes the stream. Arguments STREAM must be a stream created by OPEN-TCL/TK-STREAM. This function is implementation dependent.

escape x => result

Escapes all characters that have a special meaning for Tcl (includes whitespace) with a backslash.

event-loop script &key interpreter options arguments => result

Starts Tcl/Tk interpreter located at INTERPRETER, binds *STREAM* to the stream that connects to Tcl/Tk, binds *INTERPRETER* to INTERPRETER, runs SCRIPT on ARGUMENTS and starts listening on the stream. Use command 'exit' to end the listener. Establishes a binding for restart KEEP-LISTENING to recover from errors in an event handler. The default value for INTERPRETER is *INTERPRETER. Keyword OPTIONS is passed to the interpreter.

format-script script &rest args => result

Applies function FORMAT to SCRIPT's commands sequentially. Each element consumes its required formatter arguments from ARGS, leaving the rest of the arguments for the rest of the commands. For clTcl script written with #TCL[...] this gives the effect of a single format on the entire Tcl code.

keep-listening => result

A restart applicable during errors in events. Transfers control back to Tcl and resumes listening.

open-tcl/tk-stream &key interpreter options => result

Starts a Tcl/Tk interpreter and creates and returns a two-way stream connected to this Tcl/Tk process. This function and the meaning of arguments INTERPRETER and OPTIONS are implementation dependent.

post command &rest args => result

Posts Tcl/Tk command COMMAND with arguments ARGS properly escaped as an event and does not wait for a reply. Arguments of type symbol are writting to a string and prefixed with a hyphen to support keyword for Tcl options. Other arguments are written to string if necessary and properly escaped. Sends the command to *STREAM*.

read-list &optional stream terminator => result

Reads a Tcl list from STREAM. Reads Tcl words until an end of file occurs or READ-WORD finds TERMINATOR (when given), a semi-colon or a newline. The Tcl list is returned as a string. The default value for STREAM is *STANDARD-INPUT*. Returns NIL if end of file is found immediately.

read-script &optional stream terminator => result

Reads a Tcl script from STREAM. Reads Tcl commands until READ-LIST finds TERMINATOR (when given) or an end of file occurs. Returns the commands as a list of strings. The default value for STREAM is *STANDARD-INPUT*.

read-tcl-list-from-string1 string => result

Converts Tcl list STRING into a list of strings. Items are delimited by whitespace.

read-word stream &optional eof-error-p eof-value recursive-p terminator echo-p => result

Reads a Tcl word from STREAM and returns it as a string. Reads characters untill the next one is a terminator. The terminator itself is not read. Terminators are TERMINATOR (when given), whitespace or Tcl list terminators. Throws an error if an end of file occurs, unless EOF-ERROR-P is nil, in which case it returns EOF-VALUE. If ECHO-P is non nil then escape characters are not handled and the word is literally copied.

receive-line stream => result

Reads a Tcl list from STREAM including the terminating character. Returns nil if an end of file occurs.

repl => result

A read-eval-print loop. Useful for development. Prompts for commands to send to the Tcl/Tk interpreter and prints the reply.

run script &rest args => result

Sends SCRIPT via *STREAM* to Tcl/Tk and waits for a reply. This function is typically used in a event that was invoked in a clTcl script run by EVENT-LOOP. Sets Tcl/Tk variable argv to ARGS, properly escaped.

send-script stream script => result

Sends clTcl script SCRIPT to a running Tcl/Tk interpreter via stream STREAM. The stream must be one that was opened with OPEN-TCL/TK-STREAM. The script must be a list of strings, each string being a valid Tcl command.

with-tcl/tk (var &rest args) declaration* statement* => result

Uses OPEN-TCL/TK-STREAM to start a Tcl/Tk interpreter and connect to it by a two-way stream. Arguments ARGS are used as keyword arguments to OPEN-TCL/TK-STREAM. The forms in BODY are evaluated as an implicit progn with VAR bound to the stream returned by OPEN-TCL/TK-STREAM. When control leaves the body, either normally or abnormally, the stream is closed with CLOSE-TCL/TK-STREAM.

write-list-to-tcl-string list => result

Converts list to a Tcl string. Nested lists are converted recursively. Strings are escaped. Other values are written to string and escaped.